under wraps. At any rate, our A- wife will talk it over with her husband and reach common decision, instead of unilaterally "drawing the line where my child is con- cerned" without even considering the TV's thoughts on the matter.

Next we come to the B-Wife. She is a cheerful sort of woman, extremely practical-minded and can't con- ceive that there are people who stumble over problems. She is a good TV wife, although she won't take any special interest in delving into the "why's and origins" of what she considers "her husband's harmless peculiarity". A B-wife will not make fun of his dressing, and will not ob- ject to his dressing whenever "the coast is clear" (no neighbors or children around) She will sweetly shop for his TV needs, although she probably does not quite real- ize how deep and important to him are those items of wardrobe she is purchasing. She has come to realize that "he is happier" when dressed but will not conceive giving up a weekend with the children or at her sister's country house in preference to a TV weekend. The B-wife to a certain extent is instrumental in keeping her husband in balance. She assumes that he is intelligent enough to keep things in perspective and not overdo his TVism to the exclusion of other activities which she expects from a husband. She won't object to his dressing as long as he is discreet about it, successfully performs his bread- winning role and shows himself to be a good father to the children and a kind and loving husband. If he meets all these qualifications she couldn't care less what he wears in his TV-time. She'll be perfectly happy seeing him going to bed in a lacy nightie because "he likes it"- no need to dig deeper into the reasons behind it. If she meets other TV's and their wives, she'll judge them ex- clusively on their being "nice people", pleasant to be with. She'll comment that she does not mind at all his dressing and proudly points out to others that "he does not drink to excess, does not gamble and is a faithful husband." As a matter of fact, the B-wife intuitively senses that this "peculiarity" is a sort of insurance of his fidelity. Since he can dress at home, he loves to be home and therefore the probability of his gallivanting around is just about nonexistent. More so, if he happens to be the kind of TV who wears feminine undies under his male attire or keeps his toes brightly colored with
